
java media framework中文是什么意思

  • java媒体框回



  • 例句与用法
  • Main introduction come from the jmf ( java media framework ) , on both total function and interfaces with internal and external modules . 3
  • At the same time , the paper use java media framework and rtp technology to solve the problem of transmission and playback of the audio / video stream
    同时,采用jmf ( javamediaframework )和rtp流技术,解决通过网络传输回放音频视频流这个首要问题。
  • The mpeg - 4 standard and decoding arithmetic are introduced in this paper . the new mpeg - 4 software decoding based on the java media framework is put forward and implemented to enhance the cross - platform and transplant performance of mpeg - 4
    本文介绍了mpeg - 4标准以及解码算法的概述,针对目前mpeg - 4解码的跨平台性,可移植性,提出并实现了基于jmf的软解码。
  • The query module is a retrieval system on internet , it adopts b / s mode of three - layer structure , and has been implemented by using the inner component ado and the third party component fileup of asp technology and sql server 7 . 0 . this module can support the transmission of multi - media file . the discussion module is a electronic white board which is based on network , it has been implemented by java language and java media framework ( one of java media apis )
    本答疑系统由查询和讨论两部分组成,查询部分是一internet上的全文检索系统,它采用三层结构的b / s模式,利用asp技术的内置组件ado 、第三方组件fileup和sqlserver7 . 0来实现,它能支持与问题相关的多媒体文件的上传和下载,从而为查询答疑提供了与问题相关场景(即音视频信息)的支持;讨论部分则是一网上实时交互系统,该系统是以java语言和javamediaapis ( applicationprograminterfaces应用程序接口)提供的jmf ( java多媒体框架)编程实现的网络电子白板,通过它能在ip网络上实现文字、图形、图象、音频视频信息的实时交流,使网上答疑变得直观生动和高效
  • 推荐英语阅读
java media framework的中文翻译,java media framework是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译java media framework,java media framework的中文意思,java media framework的中文java media framework in Chinesejava media framework的中文java media framework怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
